Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Radio Over-exposure

A strange thing has recently happened to my Zune mp3 player. Since I am driving a rental at the moment and have few cds and no input for said Zune, I have been forced to listen to the radio for the past few weeks while in my car, which I am in quite a lot. Anyway, the stations I listen to all have their favorite old songs that they play over and over again. Live 105 plays at least once daily Collective Soul's "December", Black Crowes' "Hard To Handle", Screaming Trees' "Nearly Lost You" and Folk Implosion's "Natural One." The Bone has been playing Scorpions' "The Zoo" WAY too much.

So now, my Zune is beginning to emulate the radio playlists seemingly by itself because I am compelled, nay conditioned, to come home and download all these songs that work their into my brain like a tapeworm.

However, not everything about this radio over-exposure has been annoying. The new Smashing Pumpkins has managed to restore the faith I had in the bands I loved as a kid, the same faith that Nine Inch Nails has steadily torn down over the course of two albums. When the heros you had as a kid start making bad music, there is a self-doubt that comes with shunning it. You think, "Is it me? Have I just grown out of it?" In this case, no. Reznor is steadily devolving into Adam Ant and Billy Corgan has rediscovered his balls. It's sweet.

-Briana Hernandez


Blogger theowlblog said...

Who uses Zune? Time to get an iPod.

8:36 AM  
Blogger The Rock Junkie said...

I don't like the wheel on Ipods. And Zunes are so much cooler looking...but other than that THEY SUCK!!!! I kinda hate it.

10:38 AM  

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