Monday, April 23, 2007

Battle of the Bands: A Sucker Step

Sure, these competitions can be fun and have righteous prizes, but after much consideration, I’ve concluded that real bands don’t do them. I’ve got a blossoming punk band (Marauding) and I know that everyone says this, but we really don’t give a shit; I think we are going to start though. And considering the bands that play these battles, I figure we’ve got a solid chance at taking them (especially the battle that goes on at The Metro in Oakland . Ya, that’s right). But I realized that I don’t want to win a record deal, and why the fuck would I compete with other bands for favor, and who the shit is anyone to compare music to music? Serious. If you’re band is good and you’re working hard, your upcomings will come. If not, get the clue and kill yourself or get better.

-The Mari



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